National S'Mores Day Hangover

Okay, honestly, the last time I enjoyed S'mores was when I was a kid.  They are definitely kid-food unless you are more coordinated than I and can eat them without getting each S'more ingredient smeared everywhere you don't want it.  As a mother I immediately figured out why my mother quickly phased them out of our camping diet (after our Girl-Scout-Leader-aunt introduced them).

BUT, and that's a big BUT, every child must experience a S'more.  So, you buy all the ingredients: marshmallow, chocolate bar and graham crackers.  You, as the responsible parent you are, doled them out around the campfire; with the appropriate amount of cheerful enthusiasm of course.  Far be it from you to deprive your children of this crowning glory to camping!  (Weren't s'mores the bribe for leaving their electronics?)

Note to self: never buy the giant marshmallows for s'mores

Those "little" pieces of heaven are actually pretty filling though.  Maybe you have ingredients leftover?  Try these S'mores-inspired desserts from Six Sister's Stuff for year-round reminders of those sweet summer memories.  Because, honestly, the ingredients may go stale before you get up the nerve to do THAT again...well, except for the chocolate.