Firefighters Campground near Flaming Gorge, Utah

Firefighters Memorial Campground

Ashley National Forest \ Flaming Gorge Ranger District

You can't beat the stunning views of Flaming Gorge Reservoir from Firefighters.  The campground serves as a memorial to three firefighters who lost their lives in the 1977 Cart Creek Fire.

The campground is generally open from mid-May through mid-September.  Campers enjoy scenic views along the Memorial Trail, Bear Canyon Trail and fishing in Flaming Gorge just 3 miles away.

Firefighters has potable water, flush toilets, amphitheater and dump station on-site.  Public showers are available 2.5 miles away at Deer Run Campground.  94 campsites are available for family camping.  About half of those are for first-come-first-served campers.  Follow the link to make your reservations now as Firefighters gets very busy: \ Firefighters Campground

Enjoy our virtual tour of Firefighters Memorial Campground, then follow the link to find more campgrounds around Flaming Gorge.